Jumat, 15 Maret 2019

Delicious Food, Recipes & How to Make Misro

If there is a combro there is also a name Misro. These foods both use the basic ingredients of grated cassava, but the difference if the combro has a salty taste while Misro is the opposite, yes Misro has sweet taste. Misro is round and inside has brown sugar so when it is bitten the brown sugar will scatter out hehe ..

This is where the sensation of sweet taste. The ingredients and method of making Misro are similar to combro, following the complete recipe.

Misro Recipe ♥ 

 Preparation time: 15 minutes
 Cooking time: 45 minutes
 Total time: 1 hour

Ingredients ♥

500 grams of cassava, peeled and grated
 2 tsp salt
• the oil for frying

Material contents:
• 200 grams of brown sugar, thinly sliced

How to make ♥

► Mix grated cassava and salt

 Take 1-2 tablespoons of mixture, flatten, fill with sugar, cover, round, fry until cooked

 Serve warm

The same is not the way to make combro? It's equally easy and also uses simple ingredients. If you often buy fried foods such as misro or combro, you should try to make these snacks yourself, in addition to better cleanliness, your skills in cooking will also be more refined. Good luck!